Keep a check on your heart

Keep a check on your heart

“One can prevent heart diseases and thereby prevent the eventuality emanating from it”, says Dr. Ramesh Gudapati, Interventional Cardiologist, at Star Hospitals.


How common are heart diseases?


“The commonest. In India, if we look at the causes of deaths, the most common cause that leads to human death are related to cardiac and vascular diseases. In simpler terms, it means heart problems and blood vessels-related issues. 1 in 4 deaths in India is because of cardiovascular disease. For example, if there is a blockage in the blood circulation to the heart, it will lead to heart attack. Similarly, if there are blockages to the blood circulation to the brain, it will lead to paralytic attacks.”


Are cardiovascular diseases more common in men or women?


“Below the age of 60 years, men are more prone to cardiovascular diseases. After 60, both men and women are equally susceptible.

Women stay protected before menopause because of the hormones that the body releases. Post menopause, there are hormonal changes in a woman’s body and the protection disappears. Men are easily affected by heart disease because they do not have the hormonal protection.” 


What causes heart problems?

“There are many kinds of heart problems. The most common is heart attack which occurs due to the blockages in the circulation of blood to the heart.

Apart from that, there are several other types of heart diseases. There could be a problem in the heart valves leading to valvular heart disease. There could be a problem in the heart muscle leading to cardiomyopathies. Sometimes, there are issues with the covering around the heart, which creates pericardial heart disease. Similarly, when the power generated in one section of the heart does not get transmitted to other places in the heart itself, there can be a medical situation. There are myriad of problems and each one has a different cause.


Some of the problems cannot be modified if one is beyond the age of 60 years. While some of the risk factors can be modified. Risk factors such as diabetes, high cholesterol level, obesity, hypertension, lack of exercise, sedentary lifestyle, stress, etc., are preventable.” 



What are the symptoms of any heart disease?


“Pain in the chest, especially while one is exercising; breathlessness; palpitation; feeling of fast heartbeat and slow heartbeat; undue fatigue; lightheadedness; loss of consciousness. At times, in extreme forms there can be swelling in the legs.”


Are heart diseases hereditary?


“Some of them. If there is a family history and blockages have happened before, there is a good chance of inheriting the problem.” 


Can the heart issues arising from genes be reversed?


“The condition cannot be reversed. Family history is a non-modifiable risk factor. But one can be vigilant, which will reduce the chances of heart problems. Get more frequent check-ups.”


How to avoid heart diseases?


“There are some risk factors that can be prevented by leading a healthy lifestyle. Risk factors such as blood pressure, obesity, lack of exercise, smoking, hypertension, excessive consumption of alcohol, etc., can be kept at bay by following a healthy and fit lifestyle. If these risk factors do not exist, the chances of heart problems will reduce. 


Regular check-ups help in detecting risk factors. There are some risk factors such as high cholesterol that may not show any symptom. A blood check, however, brings it up.


So, if one gets regular check-ups done, one can take adequate medication and lifestyle measures. Also, check-ups help to detect the disease in the early stages”.  


For Appointment: Dr. Ramesh Gudapati, Interventional Cardiologist, at Star Hospitals