Best approach to cut weight post C-section Birth

Best approach to cut weight post C-section Birth

A C-section is a major abdominal surgery, and it involves cutting through the abdominal wall and uterus to give birth to a baby. The period after C-section is a painful time for mothers due to mental and physical exhaustion. While the mother is reveling in the immense pleasure of delivering the baby, she may be worried about how to lose all that pregnancy weight that she had put on. On top of which, she will also need to be cautious about the way she will move for several weeks. This is the time when women would need to eat healthy both for her and for her baby as she begins to breastfeed. Good nutrition is needed to speed the healing process post caesarean, to improve energy levels and also helps in losing the weight gained during pregnancy.



A proper guidance should be taken by young mothers, from their doctor to plan for a balanced diet post C – section. An ideal diet would facilitate proper bowel movement, easy digestion and repair and retain muscle power after delivery. The menu for a mother after a c-section is planned after taking in to consideration the needs of the mother and the child. The weight loss diet will support the metabolic rate as well as ensure good health post C- section.



Dr. Jaishree Gajaraj A. Senior Consultant Gynaecologist, Fortis Malar Hospital, Chennai shares her valuable opinion on ideal diet for mothers post C- section .



What should be the diet for the mother to follow post C section which is ideal for her and the baby?


It is advised to take low carbohydrate and low fat Increased protein and salads. She should intake water a minimum of 3-4 litres daily as water and protein help to increase breast milk production.




Why does it take long to reduce weight after C-section?


As opposed to normal delivery she takes longer to start moving around and generally our traditional lifestyle also discourages girls from exercising and encourages in eating more.



How long should mothers wait to think of weight loss?


There should be balanced diet from day 1,exercises from 2nd week after normal delivery and for 4 weeks after LSCS.



When should mothers begin exercise after C-section?



Exercises like pelvic floor can be started immediately including Tummy and back exercises after 1 month. More strenuous exercises can be done only after 2 months



What are the foods you need to avoid post the Caesarean delivery?



It is advised to avoid deep fried, ghee, rice and wheat can be had in moderate amounts.



 Gradual process of exercise, nutritious diet and continuing breast-feeding will help in shedding those extra pounds. Just as it takes time to gain weight during pregnancy; it does need time to lose the accumulated fat. Thus, mothers should not compromise with their health or resort to crash diets. It can have dire effects on your body after operation. But with due diligence and absolute patience it is possible to lose the extra flab.



For Appointments : Dr. Jaishree Gajaraj A. Senior Consultant Gynaecologist, Fortis Malar Hospital, Chennai