The word sounds complex, but it is really quite straightforward. If you are experiencing ringing or other sounds in one or both of your ears, then you are suffering from Tinnitus. This condition affects 15% to 20% of people and is most common in the elderly.
Tinnitus is generally caused by age-related loss of hearing, an ear injury, or even a problem with your circulatory system. Tinnitus can sometimes be secondary to a major pathology of the skullbase such as Skullbase Paraganglioma, Cerebello-pontine angle tumors, Peteous Bone Cholesteatoma or other temporal bone lesions, abnormal middle ear conditions, inner ear tumors or abnormalities, spasm of the skullbase muscles or ear muscles or neck muscles, cervical spondylosis or tinnitus when associated with giddiness needs a thorough evaluation by an experienced otologist and skullbase surgeon.
It is important to know when to seek medical advice if you are suffering from Tinnitus. Some people are not bothered by the condition, while others are. Seek medical help if you develop Tinnitus after an upper respiratory infection, such as a cold, and your Tinnitus doesn’t improve within a week. Medical intervention is also advised if your Tinnitus is causing hearing loss, dizziness, anxiety, and depression.
Dr. Ananth Chintapalli
Fellow in Skull Base Surgery
Consultant ENT & Skull Base Surgeon
For Appointments, Call: 040 4477 7700