16th December, 2022: Malla Reddy Narayana Multispeciality Hospital (MRNMH) has always been at the forefront in introducing advanced technologies for the well-being of patient community. Latest in the list is the Rotational Thrombectomy Cleaner XT. This new Robotic Device has saved a life of 30-year-old female who was suffering with rapidly progressing Chronic Deep Venous Thrombosis. She was presented with sudden onset of pain and right lower limb swelling while on her daily work schedule. She visited multiple health centres, where she was treated with various symptomatic medications. Her symptoms aggravated and she was referred to Malla Reddy Narayana Multispeciality Hospitals, Interventional Radiology Department.
The patient was immediately examined by Dr. Mahesh Kumar Thumu, Senior Interventional Radiologist at MRNMH and diagnosed her to have Rapidly progressing Acute on chronic Deep venous thrombosis. She was taken for Emergency Mechanical thrombectomy by using latest Robotic device, Rotational Thrombectomy Cleaner XT.
Dr. Mahesh Kumar Thumu, said, “Rotational Thrombectomy Cleaner XT is a new revolutionary device and it is a boon to the patients suffering with Deep Venous Thrombosis. This device macerates the thrombus and helps in dissolving the acute thrombus in the circulation. In this 30-year-old female case, the chronic thrombus was manually aspirated and removed. Within 4 to 6 hours the leg swelling started reducing and after 24 hrs her swelling completely reduced and she was able to walk normally. The next day she was discharged with complete resolution of the swelling and pain.”
The Department of Radiodiagnosis and Imaging at Mallareddy Narayana Hospitals is a highly specialized, comprehensive department that strives to meet all clinical needs in Diagnostic Imaging and Image guided therapies. The department is recognized for providing patients and clinicians, the most advanced radiology and medical imaging services. The Radiologists strive to provide fellow physicians and surgeons with the tools and vital information they need to achieve diagnostic and therapeutic excellence. It caters not only to patients from within the hospital but also to the patients from other medical centers across the state.
Malla Reddy Narayana Multispeciality Hospital is one of the leading super-speciality hospitals in Hyderabad with advanced interventional radiology department, robotic devices backed by highly experienced senior interventional radiologists.
Through prudence & relentless determination MRNMH have been providing personalized & compassionate care since inception. This rare procedure is a definite milestone accomplishment which has set the benchmark standards in both Telugu States.