Essential Vaccination Information for National Immunization Awareness Month

The month of August marks National Immunization Awareness Month (NIAM), a time to stress the significance of vaccinations, for people of all ages, genders, and backgrounds. The theme for National Vaccination Day 2024 is "Vaccines Work For All", which underscores the vital role vaccines play in safeguarding us against illnesses. The World Health Organization (WHO) explains that vaccines play a crucial role in protecting our health. They work by enhancing the body's natural defences to help prevent diseases. Each year, immunization saves 3.5 to 5 million lives by protecting against illnesses like diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, flu, and measles. In addition to saving lives, vaccines are essential for preventing and controlling outbreaks of infectious diseases, ensuring better health for everyone.
Vaccination is not limited to children; it's a commitment that we should all prioritize. Keeping up with your immunization schedule is essential for maintaining your well-being and protecting the health of those around you. In this article, Dr. Gowri Sankar Bapanapalli (Consultant Physician) at Mallareddy Narayana Multispeciality Hospital, will throw light on vaccinations and their role in safeguarding public health.
Dr. Gowri Sankar Bapanapalli
Sr. Consultant Physician & Diabetes Care
MBBS MD(Gen Med), MRCP (UK), PGDD(Cardiff)
1. What does Immunization mean?
Immunization means protecting yourself from infections by training your body's natural defences, called the immune system, to fight off germs like bacteria and viruses. You can become immune naturally after being exposed to these germs, or you can gain immunity by getting a vaccine. That's why getting a vaccine is often called "immunization."
2. What are Vaccines?
Vaccines are a way of teaching your body how to fight the germs (eg, viruses or bacteria) that cause infections. Thanks to vaccines, many fewer people get seriously ill or die from infections than in the past. When a person gets a vaccine, this is called "vaccination" or "immunization."
Vaccines help your body prepare to fight specific infections. They teach your immune system how to protect you from certain diseases before you actually get sick. Unlike medicines that treat infections after you are already sick, vaccines help you avoid getting sick in the first place or make the illness less severe if you do get infected. Each vaccine targets a specific disease, like the flu vaccine, which only helps prevent the flu. Some vaccines might need to be given multiple times to be fully effective. Often, vaccines are combined into one shot to reduce the number of injections you need.
3. Are Vaccines effective?
Yes, vaccines are effective in reducing the risk of infections. People who get vaccinated are less likely to get sick or die from diseases compared to those who don’t. While no vaccine guarantees 100% protection, they help your body fight infections more effectively if you do get sick. Vaccines have played a crucial role in eliminating diseases like smallpox and greatly reducing others such as polio and diphtheria. Some diseases are now much less common because of vaccines.
4. Are Vaccines safe?
Many people are concerned about the risks of vaccines. However, vaccines have a long record of being a safe and effective way of preventing disease. Most people experience only minor side effects, like a sore arm or a mild fever. Serious side effects are rare. Vaccines are thoroughly tested involving clinical trials , researchers study for safety and endorsement by reputed doctors and organizations before they are used. Sometimes, vaccines can cause allergic reactions, but these are uncommon. Some vaccines, especially those made with substances from eggs, might cause allergic reactions in people who are sensitive to eggs. Doctors will check if you have any allergies before giving you such vaccines.
5. What are the types of vaccines and how do they work?
Vaccines help your immune system recognize and fight germs that cause diseases. Here are the main types:
• Live-attenuated vaccines: Use a weakened form of the germ.
• Inactivated vaccines: Use a killed version of the germ.
• Subunit, recombinant, polysaccharide, and conjugate vaccines: Use specific parts of the germ, like proteins or sugars.
• Toxoid vaccines: Use a toxin made by the germ.
• mRNA vaccines: Use messenger RNA to instruct your cells to produce a protein from the germ.
• Viral vector vaccines: Use a harmless virus to deliver genetic material that instructs your cells to make a protein from the germ.
Vaccinations for Different Age Groups:
• Infants and Children: Common vaccines include those for measles, mumps, rubella (MMR), polio, and diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTaP).
• Adolescents: Vaccines may include those for human papillomavirus (HPV), meningococcal disease, and seasonal influenza.
• Adults: Recommended vaccines often include annual flu shots, shingles, and booster doses for tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis.
• Seniors: Vaccines for older adults may include those for pneumonia, shingles, and annual flu shots.
6. What are the main benefits of Vaccination?
Vaccination is a crucial tool for safeguarding public health and offers numerous benefits. It effectively stops the spread of infectious diseases within communities by boosting immunity against specific viruses and bacteria, thereby reducing the risk of outbreaks. This is particularly important for protecting vulnerable groups, such as infants, older adults, and individuals with weakened immune systems. Vaccination also plays a vital role in supporting herd immunity, where a high percentage of the population is immune, thus shielding those who cannot be vaccinated. Additionally, vaccines are a cost-effective measure, saving lives and preventing long-term health problems that could result from infectious diseases. Overall, vaccination helps create a healthier and safer environment for everyone.
At this time of National Immunization Awareness Month, one needs to understand the importance of getting vaccinated to protect against diseases. At Mallareddy Narayana Multispeciality Hospital, we offer comprehensive vaccination services to keep you and your family safe. Book your appointment today to ensure you're up to date with your immunizations.