World Immunization Day is the annual health campaign which takes place on 10th November every year. It aims to raise awareness in regard to the importance of immunization. Vaccines are one of the most powerful tools we have to protect people against deadly but preventable diseases. In addition to protecting people from infectious diseases, immunization also protects vulnerable infants.


Immunization has been known as one of the most important technologies of the 20th century. The revolution that happened due to vaccinations has completely changed the entire landscape of public health. Immunization can and should be viewed as a powerful intervention that brings health back to communities says Dr. Vijay Kumar AgarwalMBBS, MD, MRCP (England), Consultant Internal Medicine & Diabetologist, Star Hospitals


Vaccines work by exposing you to a small amount of dead virus, which helps your body's immune system create antibodies against them. The vaccine also contains an adjuvant, substances that boost the body's immune response to the vaccine. When exposed to these dead viruses later on, your body will know how to fight them off. The benefits of immunization are well documented and scientifically proven.


  • Protect you and your child from many serious and potentially deadly diseases
  • Protect other people by stopping the spread
  • Gives long-time protection
  • Cost-effective way to prevent diseases
  • It can help reduce healthcare expenses
  • Vaccines teach your immune system how to create antibodies


There are many myths that exist about immunization, and these misconceptions can be harmful to both the person who doesn't vaccinate as well as those around them. The myths about vaccines are endless. Many parents don't realize that their child is eligible for immunizations, and think that their child is too young to receive vaccinations. They should realize that immunization is very vital to ensure their child’s health. The availability of vaccines is one reason why many people are living longer, happier lives today.


As we celebrate, World Immunization Day, we urge people to get aware and create awareness amongst their friends, family and neighbors. Together, we can certainly bring in the desired change in society.


The department of Internal Medicine at STAR Hospitals provides comprehensive primary and specialty care to treat a wide array of potential diseases. Our primary focus is to deliver uncompromised quality care with compassion.


Book Appointment: Dr. Vijay Kumar Agarwal, MBBS, MD, MRCP (England), Consultant Internal Medicine & Diabetologist, Star Hospitals