Know the Signs of Prostate Cancer and How to Cure It

Research says that prostate cancer is the third most common type of cancer in America. This has taken a serious toll from past few years. Prostate cancer is
easily curable and treatable if diagnosed early. Dr. Laxman Bellamkonda, Consultant Urologist at Gleneagles Global Hospitals about prostate, its problems and solutions are as follows:
Q. What is a prostate gland?
A. The prostate gland is a small organ under the urinary bladder in men. It is a small walnut sized organ that is around 20 cc in size. This gland secretes fluids
that nourish the semen. These fluids are accompanied by semen and urine on their way out. With age, the size of the gland increases and hence, may cause
development of cancer cells.
Q. What are the early signs of prostate cancer?
A. The early signs of prostate cancer include variation in the size and shape of the prostate gland. This abnormal increase in size is called Prostatic Intraepithelial
Neoplasia (PIN). Those with a high PIN number are at a greater risk of falling into the trap of prostate cancer. People who are aged above 50 years have a chance of
a greater PIN number. If not treated early, this may take an ugly turn and spread to the bones and lymph nodes in men.
Q. What are the early signs of developing prostate cancer?
A. If a person is experiencing difficulty and burning sensation in passing urine, spotting blood in urine, feeling of strain while urination, recurrent urination even
at night time, a sense of incomplete ejaculation then he must consult a doctor to find out the cause. Other reasons that may be responsible for prostate cancer are
age, genetics, obesity, Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD), inflammation of that area and exposure to chemicals and pesticides.
Q. What are the treatment options for prostate cancer?
A. The treatments that are used to treat this type of cancer include watchful waiting, Radical Prostatectomy, Brachytherapy, Conformal Therapy and others.
Q. What are the preventions one must take to shield oneself from prostate cancer?
A. The person should opt for a whole Vegan diet that includes cutting down on red meat, dairy products and eggs. One must gorge on whole grains, nuts, pulses,
fruits and vegetables. Following a healthy, stress free and nutritious diet may reduce chances of developing prostate cancer by a huge 35%. One must consult
doctor if symptoms still prevail.
Q. What are the initial approaches taken for diagnosing prostate cancer?
A. The person needs to consult a Urologist who will examine the person on his urinary, medical and surgical problems. The Urologist will examine the
medications undertaken by the person. After that a Serum PSA is done where the patient is physically examined and blood test is asked for. Based on the results of
these tests, a person may undergo a Biopsy. The reports of Biopsy give a clear indication whether the person has developed prostate cancer or not.
It is a highly curable disease provided it is diagnosed on time. Keep a watchful eye on your lifestyle habits to keep such diseases at bay.