Keep your children Safe this Diwali

Keep your children Safe this Diwali

Dr Vijayanand Jamalpuri, neonatologist and Paediatrician at Rainbow Children's Hospital explains about safety during Diwali


Q1.  How must children be kept safe from crackers during Diwali ?


Children should be allowed to burn crackers only under the direct supervision of the adults. Crackers should be burn in open areas like play grounds.


Q2.   What are the Safety precautions that should be followed while burning crackers?


 Always burn the crackers at least from an arm distance. Never burn them holding in your hand.


 When crackers take time or do not ignite immediately, do not keep in trying to burst them. Diffuse them with water and move away immediately.


Sometimes accidents are inevitable, better stay prepared. Keep emergency phone numbers, first aid kit and buckets of water handy.


Q3. What are the precautions that people suffering from Asthma and other respiratory ailments, need to follow during Diwali?


Asthma may be exacerbated by the smoke of the crackers. Children suffering from severe Asthma and allergy should stay indoors. Use masks to limit the inhalation of toxicant irritant gases.



Q4.    What to do if a child has accidentally ingested toxic chemical/exposed to toxic fumes of crackers? Is it harmful to health and what health issues does it cause?


 Symptoms following ingestion of a cracker depends on the ingredients; they can cause severe Gastritis and ulcers and can cause bleeding from stomach.


 Other Symptoms may include severe tummy pain, and vomiting.


 If they started vomiting - don't give any medicines to stop it. You should take the child to the nearest hospital for further care.


 Certain crackers can cause damage to several organs and can result in multi-organ failure


Q5.How can you protect children from loud noise?


 Repeated exposure to Very loud noises can impair hearing of the kids. Therefore avoid burning crackers which can cause loud noises; using ear buds/plugs.


Q6.  Despite taking precautions, in case of burns or injury. What steps to be followed?


 It is important to be calm in case of an emergency.


 Remove the clothes immediately to prevent spread of the fire and burns. 


 Don't feel the skin which has injured following a burn.


 Apply cold water continuously on a burned area.


 Seek medical advice for further assessment and care.



Q7.  What type of clothes and foot wear should they wear?


 Should wear cotton clothes which are tightly fitting.


 Avoid loose and long Clothes which can catch fire easily.


 Avoid synthetic clothes which are easily inflatable.


 Kids should wear foot wear which fitting well while burning crackers and avoid decorative shoes with frills which can catch fire easily.


Things to do after Diwali:


We often see the urban skyline being blanketed under a thick layer of smog which refuses to dissipate for quite a few days after Diwali. During this time, restrict the children to indoor activities if possible and keep the window panes shut so that harmful air doesn’t enter the house. Use a wet cloth as a mask to avoid breathing in polluted air. It is advised to wear a mask at all times when stepping out.