KNOW MORE ABOUT COMMON CAUSES OF BACK ACHES Make a pledge to stay safe World Spine Day

You cannot generalise a back ache, and in fact it’s important to be aware that if you are experiencing discomfort in your back it could be indicative of a number of different problems. Each back problem is unique and requires its own treatment plan. Always seek medical attention and never self-medicate when it comes to your back.
Dr.Srihari Gundlapalle, Consultant Neuro Surgeon, Malla Reddy Narayana Hospital, said, “There are different causes, the most common one being degenerative. In simple terms it means the wear out process. There is a wear out process that happens throughout the body. Similarly, the wear out happens in the spine as well. It is mostly seen in the lower back, which is followed by a problem in the neck and also mid back. This is one of the most common spine problems.”
- Irritation of the large nerve roots that go to the legs and arms
- Irritation of the smaller nerves in the discs
- Strain of the large back muscles that support the spine
- Injury of the bones, ligaments or joints throughout the spine
Axial Pain: This is also called mechanical pain. It is recognised by a sharp or dull, constant pain that comes and goes. A common cause of Axial Pain is a muscle strain.
Referred Pain: This can be recognised as a dull pain that tends to move around and vary in intensity. Referred Pain can be caused to the hips and posterior thighs by degenerative disc disease in the lower back.
Radicular Pain: This is a deep and searing pain, following the path of the nerve into the arm or leg, and may be accompanied by numbness or weakness. It is caused by compression, inflammation and/or injury to a spinal nerve root. The terms Sciatica or Radiculopathy are used to describe Radicular Pain. This condition is caused by a herniated disc or spinal stenosis or spondylolisthesis.
At Malla Reddy Narayana Multispecialty Hospital, the team of Neurocritical care specialists has an incredible track record in performing critical surgeries like Neuro spine surgery, Endoscopic brain and spine surgery, Neurovascular surgeries, Steriotic brain, and image-guided surgery, Trigeminal neuralgia and hemifacial spasm. The dedicated Neuro Intensive Care Unit is equipped with advance medical equipment, Ventilators, Invasive and non-invasive facilities to monitor functionality.
For further details, visit: Dr.Srihari Gundlapalle, Consultant Neuro Surgeon, Malla Reddy Narayana Hospital,
Mallareddy Narayana Multispecialty Hospitals
To book your appointments, call: 040-22152215, 8790387903