KIMS Saveera Hospital Achieves 7000 cardiac procedures

KIMS Saveera Hospital Achieves 7000 cardiac procedures

Saveera Cardiac team meet collector on World Heart day on Sunday


Anantapur, 29th September 2019: KIMS Saveera hospital achieves 7000 cardiac procedures since it's inception in 2015. On the world heart day, KIMS cardiac doctors meet district collector Sri Satyanarayana on Sunday. Dr Srinivasa Prasad, CEO, KIMS Saveera Hospital, Dr M Sandeep, Dr Rakesh Naik, Dr Sandeep Reddy met the collector.


KIMS Saveera was established in 2015 with the sole aim of providing advanced super specialty medical services to the residents of Anantapur district and the surrounding areas.


This hospital has over the time grown into a premier cardiac center in this area. We are happy to have screened more than 30000 patients from the district and done 7000 procedures in a short period of time. On the occasion of world heart day, we reiterate our commitment to create more awareness among the public and we also take pride in being part of government initiative like YSR aarogyasri in a backward district like Anantapur.


The department provides cardiac services in almost every field of cardiology like

Angiography, angioplasty, which are life saving procedures in acute heart attack.  On an average we do 10-15 such interventional procedures per day.  Such procedures on the heart of the patient who has got severe heart attack requires a high degree of expertise, attention and devotion.  These cases are attended to round the clock as every minute following a heart attack is important in avoiding complications and also preserving the heart in a better condition.


In addition to the above the unit does procedures like closure of holes in the hearts of children born with defects in the heart at birth.  This procedure, called device closure, in children is done by minimal intervention and such defects in the heart are corrected without a cut on the body of the patient.  This minimal intervention allows the child to go home walking back the next day after the procedure.


Above all the hospital takes care of all types of patients including those coming under Arogyasri , insurance, Railways, ECHS etc., with the same compassion and care providing them all with equal standards of medical care and facilities.