JS Yoga Studio celebrates Yoga Day with a wellness-centric workshop

Born from the minds of ancient Indian ascetics fifteen centuries ago, Yoga is an integral part of our tradition. Through its practice, one is said to be closer to attaining moksha, or liberation. This meditative and spiritual exercise has recently gained prominence around the world as a popular form of physical exercise.
Thus, in the year of 2014, the 21st of June was unanimously declared as the International Day of Yoga by the United Nations General Assembly, and has been widely celebrated since 2015.
This year, JS Yoga Studio, and its owner Ankit Dubey commemorate Yoga with an event to raise awareness about its multitudinous benefits, apart from its usual physical benefits. Mr. Dubey, a B.Sc. graduate in Animation experimented with Yoga to heal himself, after suffering from injuries from an accidental fall from the second story of a building. With years of experience, along with training under the guidance of Baba Ramdev, as well as exposure to the positive effects of Yoga, Mr. Dubey is keen to share his knowledge of the Asanas, as well as their benefits, with all those willing to learn.
About the event
Sponsored by Shree TMT, the Yoga Workshop will be held on the 21st of June 2018, at J.S. Studios, R.S Tower, P.G Road, Sindhi Colony, Secunderabad. The workshop will have a session for women from 6-10 a.m. and for men & women in the evening from 4-8 p.m., with a ₹300/- fee for non-members.
The event is aimed towards women who are afflicted by Polycystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD), Diabetes Mellitus, or suffer from infertility, irregular periods, obesity, or thyroid problems, with focus on exercises, Asanas and Mudras to help reduce the effects of these problems.
Those interested in participating in the workshop can contact Mr. Dubey at +91 8790012550 or +91 7995403775.