International Epilepsy Day 10th Feb 2020

International Epilepsy Day 10th Feb 2020

Epilepsy is a chronic brain disorder resulted in recurrent 'seizures' or 'fits'. Seizures occur due to the sudden, excessive electrical discharges in the neurons or brain cells. This type of condition can affect people at any age and each age group suffers from different problems.


Therefore, we can say that Epilepsy is a neurological condition in which the tendency to have seizures starts in the brain. Epilepsy is a chronic brain disorder resulted in recurrent 'seizures' or 'fits'. Seizures occur due to the sudden, excessive electrical discharges in the neurons or brain cells. This type of condition can affect people at any age and each age group suffers from different problems.


Therefore, we can say that Epilepsy is a neurological condition in which the tendency to have seizures starts in the brain.


It is diagnosed after a person has had more than one seizure. It is also seen that all seizures are not because of epilepsy. There are several other conditions like very low blood sugar, fainting, etc. which causes seizures. Mostly epilepsy is diagnosed in children and people over age 65.


According to WHO, around 50 million people in the world are suffering from epilepsy disease and out of which 80% are living in developing countries. It is a treatable disease but three-fourth people affected by this disease in developing countries do not get proper treatment. Approximately 10 million people in India are suffering from seizures that are associated with epilepsy.


Epilepsy is caused by infection in the brain, congenital abnormalities, stroke and brain tumors, damage to the brain due to prenatal and perinatal injury, injury in head or accident, during childhood prolonged high fever, infections like encephalitis or meningitis, low oxygen during birth, some genetic conditions like tuberous sclerosis may result in brain injury. It is seen that 70% of cases of epilepsy do not have any particular cause.

Symptoms of Epilepsy are loss of consciousness, muscles of arms, legs or face become stiffed, different types of sensations like sort of pricking pins or needles in arms or legs, uncontrollable jerking motions in arms or legs etc.


 During an episode of seizure we need to educate the public

- Not to panic.

- Loose tight clothes near the neck if there is.

 - Remove sharp objects out of the person suffering from seizures.

- Gently roll the person from one side so that any fluid present in the mouth comes out.

- Put a soft cloth under head of the person.

- Do not give or push anything to the mouth of the person.

- Remain with the person until any help arrives.

- Allow the person to rest or sleep.

- Put the person in side position.

Epilepsy disease is treatable through proper medications. But important is that we should not delay the treatment. Start the treatment just after the disease is diagnosed. In this way, we can prevent the condition of the person from deterioration.