Inauguration of Speciality Nursing Course at CARE Hospitals in association with Global Health Alliance United Kingdom

CARE Hospitals in association with Global Health Alliance (GHA) which is a consortium of top universities from United Kingdom namely, University of Leeds, St. Georges University of London & Hospital, London Institute of Health Sciences, London., Heart Foundation, UK, etc., Launches “Speciality Nursing Course” for the nursing staff on Friday 6th September 2019.
On this occasion Mr.Andrew Currie, Chief Operating Officer Evercare Group said “Speciality Nursing Course” in CARE Hospitals is a new dimension to the Nursing Profession & Education. The programme is designed to develop our nurses to work as “Specialized Nurse” for providing more competent & compassionate care to patients & continuously improve the Nursing quality and standards.
Dr.Raajiv Singhal, Group CEO CARE Hospitals, & Managing Director Evercare, said, CARE Hospitals and Global Health Alliance UK, have collaborated to run a joint certification course in speciality nursing at CARE Group of Hospitals,. The aim for starting these courses are to constantly upgrade the skills of Nursing Staff which will enable them to manage patients at international standards and this will automatically improve the level of patient care. The First batch of 325 nurses will be trained in “Emergency Nursing” “Critical Care Nursing”, “Operation Theatre Nursing” and the course fee has been funded by the CARE Hospitals.
Dr.Andrew Fleming, British Deputy High Commissioner to Teleangana & Andhra Pradesh said that there is a need to adapt the latest international healthcare processes to deliver best services to patients. This partnership between GHA & CARE Hospitals enables to train & up-skill nurses in India which will improve patient care & experience in the hospitals. He was pleased to see a good association between both the countries.
On the occasion of launching the courses, Dr.Nikhil Mathur, V.P. Medical Operations CARE Group of Hospitals said the short accredited courses and programs are targeted at a wide range of health care professionals. "These courses have been designed specifically to up-skill healthcare professionals in India with the techniques that are now being practiced in the UK," he said.
Dr. Rajay Narain, Founder & Director, Global Health Alliance, UK stated that "We are pleased to launch the nurse’s up-skilling courses with CARE Group of Hospitals. This is the next step in empowering nurses and filling the gaps in healthcare globally. This project will also take the U.K. - India relations in healthcare to a new level as several experts from U.K. and India will be involved".
Global Health Alliance is an initiative which is aimed at delivering up-to-date short accredited courses and programs for health professionals. The team consists of experts from renowned universities and hospitals from across the UK. The courses are meant for doctors, nurses, specialist nurses, paramedics, cardiac physiologists & general public.