Heart diseases the leading cause of death in our country, is one of the major, yet silent killer all over the world. Almost 2 percent of the population any given country is affected by this. It said that 30- 40 percent of people die within a year of receiving a diagnosis of heart disease. Heart failure can cause significant impairment in day to day life of the person. The incidence of heart failure increases with the advancement of age. While among people aged between 20-40 years age 1 percent suffer from this the incidence shoots up to almost 20 percent at 80 years plus. In India exact data is still not available. But considering the widespread presence of Coronary artery disease - Diabetes and Hypertension there is a significant and rising burden. A High percentage of ICU admissions now because of heart failure there is significant and rising burden said Dr. G Ramesh, Senior Cardiologist, Yashoda Hospitals, Hyderabad on occasion of the World Heart Day on 29th September, 2019.
“Major contribution of Rice Bran oil is in preventing chronic inflammation, which if not taken care of, can lead to diabetes, brain stroke and heart diseases. The molecules present in Rice Bran oil is very stable and do not break even on high cooking temperatures. This stability ensures no new formations of fats in the oil and aids in promoting good health by absorption of nutrients present in the food” Said, Dr. Ramesh.
According to Mr. Pradeep Chowdhry, Managing Director GEF India said, “The journey of brand Freedom has been amazing. It is our constant endeavor to introduce products that are good, convenient and healthier for our customers. According to studies, Indians are more prone to heart ailments. A Product like Rice Bran oil with its high oryzanol content improves the HDL/LDL ratio, making it one of the most heart friendly oil. Freedom Rice Bran Oilis aimed at the health conscious customer base – not only consumers with medical conditions, but also the health conscious segment which beliefs in eating right to prevent ailments.”
Freedom Physically Refined Rice Bran oil is testified by numerous physicians, cardiologists, nutritionists, dieticians and fitness experts for its quality and effectiveness. Becoming increasingly popular among the consumers, Freedom Rice Bran oil is an ideal choice for cooking and stands out because of its credibility and good taste.