Friends and family play a role in preventing suicide

Active listening and providing social and emotional support by friends and family is important to prevent suicide. There are 10 lakh suicide cases every year and it is public health problem that can be prevented.
Dr. PM Bhujang, President, Association of Hospital suggests these measures:
First sign is depression and family members and friends must not neglect it - depression must be treated to prevent the final act.
Help the person to solve their problem - it is not easy and not a task to be completed in a day. It requries constant follow-up, being up, close and personal and ensuring that the positive aspects of life are highlighted.
Focus of family and friends must be to solve the problem.
Not only the person who is depressed but also families and friends have to cope with the problem of mental illness which is a very big task and requries a lot of inner strenght and effort.
Avoid negative thoughts .
Constantly be in touch with the psychiatrist for both theraupetic and medical help.
Suicide is not a planned attempt to kill. Maximum case histories have shown that it is a quick decision caused by a trigger of a social event or a family event which leads to this extreme step.
In the present times, online addiction is very high and it is very important for parents to be friendly, obseve the behaviour of their child. Do not judge your children.
Children pretend to be mature but are still vulnerable and succumb to peer pressure.