Early Treatment Minimizes Heart Damage and Saves Life
We might have seen in so many movies that an elderly person hears a shocking news and immediately has severe chest pain with profuse sweating. He clutches his chest in severe pain and is immediately shifted to a hospital ICU.The doctor steps out of the ICU and tells his family members that the elderly person has a major heart attack.
But the trouble is, in real-life, heart attack symptoms don't always announce themselves so dramatically. Hence, many people wait for hours before seeking medical help. This can be a fatal mistake. Early treatment not only minimizes heart damage, but it can also save one's life.
Importance of Early Treatment in Heart Attack
“During a heart attack, blood flow to the heart muscle is cut off suddenly because a blood clot blocks an artery. When the heart muscle does not receive oxygen and nutrients due to shutdown of blood supply, it can die. The longer the treatments delayed, more is the damage. The faster one can get to a hospital emergency, the better are the chances of survival and limiting damage to the heart.”, Said, Dr. Ramesh Gudapati, MD, DM, Chief Cardiologist, Star Hospitals.
Heart Attack Symptoms-What toWatch Out For?
Classical symptoms of heart attack include chest pain that is usually Constricting or crushing or squeezing in nature. Often, patients complain of a heavy weight in their chests. It canSometimes be a burning sensation in the chest. The pain usually in the front of the chest and radiates more to the left side. Often, this can be associated with pain inthe left arm. the pain is usually prolonged, lasting more than 30 minutes and frequently for a few hours. The instantly of pain can vary, but is often severe and intrudable. the pain may also be associated with severe sweating and a suffocative feeling
These kinds of classical symptoms, however, may not be present in many patents of heart attack, especially in woman.
What to Do When One Suspects A Heart Attack?
• If someone has heart attack symptoms, seek medical help immediately.
• Stopperfuming any physical activity Do not drive and take others" help to and rest.
• Do not drive and take others help to reach the hospital
• If one is already a known heart patient keep a Sorbitrate tablet under the tongue
• Patient can chow or swallow an aspirin tablet as well
Heart attack symptoms may vary from individuals and may not always be classical public awareness about the different type of symptoms in heart attack will go a long way in seeking early medical help. Which is crucial in limiting damage to the heart and saving lives. For further Details Contact - : 70970 60006
Book Appointment: Dr. Ramesh Gudapati, MD, DM, Chief Cardiologist, Star Hospitals.