Alcohol vs age : a tricky combination

Alcohol vs age : a tricky combination

The consumption of alcohol wanes down with age. It primarily depends on the socio economic background. A person used to high lifestyle and regular partying is more susceptible to heavy drinking. Again, acute financial crisis, loneliness, loss of love amongst friends and family, failing health can also be considered as factors responsible for alcoholism. Some drink in moderation whereas others can be hooked to drinking. Anything done in excess ,  an increase  number of drinks or the number of times you drink, can be detrimental.



Normal levels of drink can get you in trouble as you start ageing. Your ability to metabolize alcohol declines. Older people have higher blood alcohol concentrations than younger people because of such changes as a lower volume of total body water and slower rates of elimination of alcohol from the body. Similarly, the adolescent age is equally vulnerable to alcoholism. Dr. S. Ganesh, Consultant Gastroenterologist shares his opinion regarding the tricky combination of alcoholism and age .



Which are the factors contributing to alcoholism?


Known risk factors of Alcohol include having: more than 15 drinks per week if you’re male and more than 12 drinks per week if you’re female but having more than 5 drinks per day at least once a week leads to binge drinking. There can be mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, or schizophrenia. You may also be at a greater risk for alcohol use disorder if you are a young adult experiencing peer pressure, have low self-esteem, experience a high level of stress, live in a family or culture where alcohol use is common and accepted or have a close relative with alcohol use disorder.



What are the major risks in case of heavy drinking?


When the body takes in more alcohol than it can metabolize, the excess builds up in the bloodstream. The heart circulates the blood alcohol throughout the body, leading to changes in chemistry and normal body functions. Major risks involve liver failure, liver sclerosis, pancreatitis, chronic pancreatitis, nerves damage, peripheral neuritis, ulcers and gastrointestinal problems, heart disease and brain damage. 



Which age bracket is more susceptible to higher risk of alcoholism?


Normally all age group have this problem but specifically people who begin drinking before the age of 15 years are five times more likely to become dependent on alcohol than those who begin drinking at or after the age of 21 years.



What are the adverse effects of early alcoholism?


Adolescence is associated with pronounced hormonal changes which in turn, stimulates the production of growth hormones, which are essential to human development. These changes are complex and relatively synchronized, which makes drinking during this time particularly likely to disturb the hormonal balance necessary for the development of organs, muscles, bones and the reproductive system.



What can be the consequence of drinking in middle or old age?


Drinking more than two alcoholic beverages daily in middle-age may raise your stroke risk more than traditional factors such as high blood pressure and diabetes while Tolerance to alcohol is lowered in a aged person. So it is possible that the same amount of alcohol can have a more detrimental effect than it would on a younger person. Older people are less tolerant to alcohol because of physical changes such as:


A fall in ratio of body water to fat, meaning there is less water for the alcohol to be diluted in


Decreased hepatic blood flow, leading to weakening of the liver


Liver enzyme inefficiency, so alcohol will not be broken down as well as in younger people


Poor kidney and liver function


An altered responsiveness of the brain; alcohol affects older brains more quickly than younger ones



How to overcome addiction towards alcoholism?


The addiction can be solved by Psychiatric help but for that one should accept the fact that they have addiction towards alcohol, but the main problem arises from denial. They never accept it. Once they stop denying and accept the problem, a psychiatrist can help them to overcome addiction.



How to treat this problem in old age?


There is no age factor in treating alcoholism, it can be treated depending on the problem one is going through whatever may be their age.



Is there any alternative treatment apart from medication?


More than medication, there is a need of mental help for treating alcoholism like Psychological help, Psychotherapy, etc.


For appointments :
 Dr. S. Ganesh, Consultant Gastroenterologist, Fortis Malar Hospital (Bangalore)