ADHERE STRICTLY TO CORONAVIRUS PREVENTIVE GUIDELINES Maintaining Social Distancing is an idealistic approach

Undeniably, this era has become a new age of Corona Period. As expressed by Darwin, to survive, it is imperative to change and transform our lifestyle as per the current situations. Coronavirus is extremely tiny, about 120 nano microns in size. Whenever we speak or cough, it can spread upto 1-3 meters in air. Lifespan of this fatal virus varies from material to material on which it resides.
• Metal – 5 Days
• Plastic – 4 Days
• Stainless steel – 3 Days
• Card board – 1 Day
• Copper – 4 Hours
• Aluminium – 8 Hours
• Paper – from few hours to 3 days
As of now, there’s no evidence that it can be transmitted from water or food items. Giving his note, Dr. Boora NarsaiahGoud, Consultant Surgical Gastroenterologist, Ex Member of Parliament, Hyderabad, STAR Hospitals said, “Aperson can get infected from Coronavirus by touch, infected items or air. It will enter into the lungs of our body via nose or mouth. Depending upon the immunity power, about 80% of the infected people will not show any symptoms after getting infected with Coronavirus. In rest of the people, it will take around 2 to 14 days, rarely up to 3 weeks for the symptoms to appear. Each Corona cycle will last upto 28 days. One should remember that, we should alter our behaviour (personal, governmental, industrial, businesses) as per the limitations of Coronavirus, but corona will not change as per our desire. According to the recent reports, it will take at least 6 months to get over Corona. It cannot withstand high temperatures (like cooking, bathing with warm water), soap and disinfectants. On an average, each individual will touch his face, nose and mouth approximately 1000 to 5000 times a day.”
• Maintain at least 1 meter of physical distance with everyone
• Always wear mask, it will serve as corona guard
• Wash your hands for 20 seconds at least once in 2 to 4 hours with soap
• Wear gloves and do not directly touch surfaces like car doors, handles to stay safe from Corona
• Do not step outside unless it is necessary
By following the above, we can reduce the chances of falling sick to Corona by 99.9%
• Imbibe simple lifestyle
• Prefer pure, hygienic, home cooked food which can improve our immunity
• Practice yoga and improve lungs health
• Person who go outside for essential goods must first take bath with soap after reaching home
• Maintain physical distance from elders in the family
• Do not allow outsiders into your home
• Stay away from social gatherings
• Prefer jute or cloth bags
• Bring meat in steel containers
• Avoid plastic as much as possible
• Strict measures must be taken to implement rules such as prohibition of spitting in public places, usage of masks, sanitizers, physical distancing
• Besides Fine, lock-up, rule breakers must be punished with volunteering at Corona centres
• Masks, gloves must be made available in general stores and medical stores
• Those who break the rules multiple times must be punished with heavy fines and cancellation of passport etc
• Every office must be divided into three zones (red, orange, green)
• Interaction with customers and external people must be restricted to one room
• Temperature screening must be done
• Sanitizers and masks should be provided
• Back office staff should not interact with others
• Three zones must communicate with each other via internet, phone calls
• Instruction board must be installed at the entrance
• People who can work from home must be allowed for certain period
• While doing good to others, it is also important to stay safe
• Donors should deliver food packets or other essentials directly to the homes
• It is preferable to donate items to the government, so that they transfer it to the needy
• Keep dustbins wherever you are donating any food items
• Media plays an important role in regulating the spread of Coronavirus
• They should expose whoever is breaking the law
• Irrespective of status and cadre, they should be unbiased in reporting
There are about 50 lakh families who are currently relying on agriculture and traditional occupations in the state of Telangana. Besides implementing lockdown, certain relaxation should be provided for farmers.
This is a difficult time for Government and Private hospitals. We cannot ignore emergency services. It is difficult to treat people who don’t get any symptoms. Hospitals should not become hotspot for Corona. Before providing emergency services, it is preferable to conduct Covid 19 test to protect hospital staff and other patients.
Since lockdown will be lifted in phase wise, it is better to follow these preventive measures until we are completely safe from Corona.
Book Appointment : DR. BOORA NARSAIAH GOUD, Consultant Surgical Gastroenterologist, STAR Hospitals, Hyderabad