6 Home Remedies To Cure Constipation

Ever had that feeling of utter helplessness?
Well, that’s how chronic constipation feels like.
Constipation is not only downright annoying but it can also be pretty embarrassing. Conventional medicines may not always help and they’re pretty expensive to boot.
However, a simple herbal solution can sometimes make constipation disappear like magic.
Here are some simple yet efficient herbal remedies to tackle constipation.
Warm Honey
This sweet golden nectar is called liquid gold for many reasons. Honey helps you stay beautiful and it’s even amazing for your health. A warm honey drink can relieve your constipation, clearing up the waste in no time.
Mix two tablespoons of honey into a warm glass of boiled water. Down this mixture when it’s lukewarm.
As simple as it sounds, munching on some grapes can flush toxins from your body and cure your constipation. Grapes are laxatives and also high in fibre. Increase your intake of grapes and stop eating low-fibre, fatty snacks like chips and chocolates.
Beans are great for curing constipation. Not only do they have various health benefits but they’re also nice and tasty. Add beans to your stews, soups, salads, rolls and sandwich fillings, and you’ll definitely notice a positive change.
Prunes are high in fibre and carbohydrates. They’re superb at curing constipation. Drink prune juice and say goodbye to your problems.
An early morning brew of rich coffee does much more than filling your system with energy for the day. Coffee acts as a diuretic and stimulates digestion. Remember, too much coffee will force you to take many trips to the bathroom, so try only one or two cups per day.
Carrot Soup
Carrot soup is very popular around the world. Carrots contain roughage and vitamins that make digestion easier. Eat them so that you won’t have to worry about having a heavy meal. Make a soup with carrots, lettuce and beets to put a stop to your constipation situation.
Remember, natural laxatives are much better and more inexpensive than over-the-counter solutions from drugstores. Try these herbal remedies and see the results yourself.